lovingly referred to as "The Witch" (although there were other
words we used that rhyme), was the oldest feline in the family. She
was a wedding gift from Kristy's sister, Jo Ellen, and was born in July of 1984.
She was definitely James' cat. A bad reaction to a vet's vaccination
left her the smallest of our cats, weighing in at only 7 pounds, but she
made up for it in attitude. She followed us through two Air Force
careers, three aircraft assignments, three states and six
She was our longest surviving cat to date
and, after 19 very long years, passed away on June 2, 2003. |
was a kitten we barely had a chance to get to know. She was our
first "black" cat, and our only long-haired one. She came
into our lives in the summer of 1985, just prior to us going on a
month-long vacation. It was our absence, and lack of supervision,
during this critical developmental period that made her a difficult cat to
maintain. She was often unsociable and
untouchable. After suffering substantial leg injury, she succumbed
to complications from her recovery in the summer of 1986.
a.k.a. the "Wonder Wimp" . He was born May 5, 1986 and was
the biggest cat we ever had, tipping the scales at well over 20 pounds.
We acquired him from a field adjacent to the Saddle Club at Travis.
He was definitely Kristy's cat. After
15 long years, he passed away on November 4, 2001, after spending
a year "grooming" and passing "ownership" of Kristy
over to Couter. |
entered our lives right after Lazlo joined us. She was born on May
3, 1986, and rounded out the feline trio we had for over ten years before
Sidny joined us. She had a psychological pregnancy as Kristy was
expecting David just as we had her spayed, and seemed to want to fill that
empty void in her belly with food ... which she did with great success. She led a very happy,
food-filled life, but her obesity led to a shortened lifespan. She passed away on
October 19, 1998 at the age of 12. |
a.k.a. "Princess Sittin' Pretty" . She was born April 11,
1997 and was our response to David's
desire to get a dog (just not enough space in our cramped military
quarters of the time). She was always at his side when he went to
sleep and there again when he woke up. He was definitely "her"
boy. She took ill suddenly, without
warning, on the morning of October
4, 2005, and succumbed quickly (without
prolonged pain) to what the doctors determined was feline anemia.
The cause of the anemia was believed to be liver related. She was
only 8 years old.
came to us from our neighbors, when their "male" cat surprised
everyone with a litter of kittens.
She was born on October 9, 1998, and
was the fluffiest cat we had.
She was a very laid back cat and, even though she was the queen of the
roost after Sidny's passing, she had
no interest in ruling the pride. Weaned too early, her most notable
trait was sucking her paw. She had a
heart murmur since birth and passed away very suddenly on the evening of
May 30, 2010.
We were all with her when she passed away. Although saddened by
her departure beyond belief, she was active and healthy right up to her final moments.
Her vet many years ago said she would be good to last a single year with
her heart condition ... and she lived 12 long, happy years. In the
last year she took to sleeping on my pillow with me, and I shall miss
that terribly. |
short for accouterment
(get your mind out of the gutter), was an
abandoned kitten left out in the freezing weather that we coaxed into the
house on November 8, 2000 (when we still didn't know who was going to be our next President). We estimate
she was born around
mid-August. Although we planned to find a good home
for her, it appeared Dusty had decided she was going to stay. Plus,
she quickly adopted Kristy as her human, and it seemed Lazlo agreed to
pass ownership over to her as his health failed.
was born March 10,
and we acquired him June 23rd (Diane's birthday) from a local pet store who could no longer sell him due to a
paw injury. Knowing he needed a good, loving family, we were the
first they called ... and I had said that, after Gizmo's departure, we
wouldn't get anymore cats until after I had retired from the Air
Force. He is named after another dearly lost companion from our
English friend across the ocean (Alan). Wimbush led a very good
life, but he had problems with diabetes and "mega-colon". Once he
was placed on a strict medication and feeding regimen, his weight became
more controlled and healthy. In late February his appetite dropped
to zero (as it did frequently). However, this time there would be
no recovery. He went into renal shutdown late one evening (after
the vet's office had closed) and he passed away early on the morning of
February 22, 2013,
before we were able to get him to the vet. He was Kristy's special
little guy and he will be missed.
was rescued from Fort Mifflin on the night of
October 23, 2004. We guess we was just 6 weeks old, as he was not
yet weaned. The vet estimated his birthday around September
11, 2004. His mother had a litter of five kittens, and kept them
safe in a burned out wood pile in the artillery shed. James rescued
the dirty kitten, and all five were rescued and adopted on the spot by the
"Ghoul Crew" of participants in the fort's annual Fright Fest
Halloween program. The wood they were hiding in was the remnants of
the 169 year old timbers formerly making the Commandant's House in the
center of the fort's grounds.
was our second annual rescue from Fort Mifflin in
early November, 2005. He was about 7 weeks old, as he was just weaned.
We estimated his birthday around early September,
2005. His mother is the same as
Smokey's, making them half brothers. The name Bandit just popped up
and seemed appropriate. It wasn't until later the Kristy made the
connection that we now had two brother cats: Smokey
and the Bandit.
Gray Kitty
walked into our lives in the summer of 2004, as we
settled into our new home in Pennsylvania. Apparently ferial and
starving, Kristy's efforts to feed the cat kept her around, and she
appointed herself head mouse/snake/varmint hunter for our property and
surrounding houses. She became a neighborhood fixture, and
everyone knew where the "Gray Kitty" lived. But roaming
cats in the neighborhood became a problem and one of our neighbors put out
a trap to catch the worst offender. The only one he caught was Gray Kitty,
and to get her back from animal control we had to bring her inside --
permanently. Although she would much rather run, play and hunt
outside, she is adapting to the "pampered" indoor life, and is
slowly integrating in with the other cats.
KaywinnitLeeFrye (Kaylee)
(it's a Browncoat thing) is the newest (and
last) addition to our growing feline family. As all of our current
cats are rescues, Kaylee is no exception. A friend of a friend had
her show up on her property one day and, without claws, it was obvious
she had been an indoor cat that either was abandoned or got out.
Signs put up in the area yielded no results, so a home had to be found.
We took her into our house to provide the love and care that her
previous owners did not. Although still adjusting to her new
surroundings, we hope she finds a loving and safe home with us and our
other cats. |
was a very unexpected Christmas gift. He came
into our house in Christmas Eve, 2009. We estimate his birthday
September 22. 2009.
We were holding him for a friend, but she was ultimately unable to take
him. By then
he had worked his way into our hearts and became the 8th feline member
of our family.